h"; // What is the PATH (not URL) to your threads install? // You'll find this in your threads config file // Do not include trailing slash //"/dnshome/drugbuyers.com/htdocs/freeboard"; $threadspath = "/home/84/44/7004484/web/ubbthreads"; // Put your Page content HTML in the corresponding template // DO NOT EDIT THIS SECTION // Require the library require ("$threadspath/main.inc.php"); $userob = new user; $user = $userob -> authenticate(); $html = new html; $html -> send_header($pagetitle,$Cat,0,$user); // --------------------- // Grab the tablewrapper list($tbopen,$tbclose) = $html -> table_wrapper(); // ***** YOU MAY NEED TO EDIT THE NAME OF THE TEMPLATE ****** if (!$debug) { include("$thispath/templates/$tempstyle//2010_Interviews/jpflughoeft/jpflughoeft_pt2.tmpl"); } // Send the footer $html -> send_footer(); ?>