the box is just sides with the flooring being a complex arrangement of various materials. It screws together and unscrews so it's easy to store. The pegboard is nice because it ventilates the space. We put pipe insulation sleeves over the edges to make them soft. The door slides open and closed.
It's 7.5 feet by 5.5 feet. We felt the standard large dog whelping boxes weren't big enough for the puppies especially since we tend to have large litters and large bitches. So this one was custom-designed by Linda. It sits on a platform which we built because since the last litter, we put down a walnut-stained maple floor in the studio so we have to protect it. First there's a rubber-backed carpet turned upside down. Then there is an 8' by 8' platform built from 3/4 inch plywood on 1X3s. On top of that is plastic wrap, the rubber puzzle pieces, a layer of baby underpads, and a piece of indoor/outdoor carpeting. We have 3 pieces of that carpeting and we change it and the underpads at least 2X a day.
For whelping, we'll put down newspaper as well 'cuz that's the easiest way to clean things up. The box is in the studio because that's the easiest place to regulate temps and to close off to the rest of the house. Plus it has a large window at the opposite end of the room through which we pass the puppies when it's time for them to go outside. Plus, I can get some work done when I'm on "puppy duty".
Cassidy was showing some signs yesterday of being ready but she slept on the bed last night and was pretty quiet. The kids are still moving around a lot so I think it'll be tomorrow night. That's my guess anyway. But we're not leaving her alone just to be safe.
Sundance is trying to get some mommy's milk in a classic de ja vu effort to go back to his beginnings

. Mom is being very patient with the oversized butthead! His head grew more over the last few weeks so I need to post some updates.
I'll post baby pics for real when Cassidy has delivered her puppy pile.