Well, Cassidy was nice enough to start the whelping process at 7:30 this morning. Now, some 5.5 hours later, she's produced 8 puppies, 6 boys and 2 girls. All are between 14 and 17 oz but one girl who is 9 oz but eats like a valociraptor.
Cassidy is doing well but we're going to give her a shot of Oxytocin in a few minutes to get her to expel the one retained placenta. And, if there are any more puppies in there, that should get them going as well.
Here's a shot of the brave boy who first made the journey into this strange new world: Red Boy who weighed in at 16.3 oz. He has a huge head and we've nicknamed him Sundance Jr.
And here are two pics of the entire litter. Please note, they are feeding on two tiers so some are under the others


I'll do individual photos later after everyone has had some food -- including the puppies again.