OK, guys, it's been exactly a week and it's time to update the puppy pics. The kids have all packed on the ounces with an average gain of over 11 oz in the past week. Everyone is over 20 oz currently with some very chunky monkeys in at over 27 oz. Mr. Lt Green, you know who I'm talking about

. Our smallest, Ms Pink, is now 20.5 oz. Eyes still closed but they're more mobile and seem to be handling Cassidy's milk quite well. So, without further adieu, here are the evil eight.
First up, Ms Yellow followed by Ms Pink. FYI Ms Yellow is the second largest puppy overall.
Next, it's the triplets: Mr. Red, Mr. Lt. Green and Professor Plum.
And lastly, the three "normal" boys: Mr. Teal, Mr. Lt. Blue and Mr. Green.
Next milestone should be eyes and ears opening and that should happen over the weekend. Then all heck breaks loose! More later.