and what makes you think that my selection process is more lenient than the FBI's

First of all, I demand that all potential puppy owners visit the puppies at least once when they are very young so they can not only see them but so we can see how they are overall with dogs in general and Rotties in particular. Don't forget that I have some pretty good judges of people in my home.
I also ask all potential buyers to fill out a questionnaire which tells me the important things about them including where they intend to keep the pups, what type of training they expect to do, what their experience is, etc. We try not to sell our Rotties to people with no experience in Rotties. We have found that, in general, people with experience make better owners with less problems for us down the line.
We don't step out of the process once the puppies are out of our home. Our puppy contracts have built-in check points at 3 months of age, 6 months and 12 months so we can see how the pups are doing and also how the owners are doing with the pups. Plus, we provide a place to leave the pups when folks go on vacation and counseling for training or behavioral problems (both the pups and the owners

We spend 8 weeks of our time with these puppies and we bond to them very closely. Every dog we have ever bred runs up to us and covers us with kisses when we see them even if we haven't seen them in years. They know we will always love them.
So, buying a puppy from us is similar to dating my teenage daughter (which I don't have thank goodness). You have to be over-qualified just to get in the door.
More pics to come,