here's a series of pictures of Sundance from the last litter -- I did the same for each of the puppies. First, Sundance at 2 weeks of age.
And again at 4 weeks.
Six weeks.
And 8 weeks.
And, finally, at 12 weeks of age.
And this is Sundance today at 17 months of age.
If you look through the puppy pictures, you can see glimpses of where that head came from but if you looked at his 12 week old picture, you would wonder if he'd ever get a head. Such is the development of puppies. You have to be patient when they go through those inevitable ugly stages and try to remember the way they looked at 8 weeks. That's probably how they'll look when they are fully mature. For Sundance, that means we'll have to wait until he's 12 years old

Anyway, more puppy pics coming this weekend. It's time for me to do head studies for the potential show owners.