Arches National Park
Astronaut takes a piece of Arches National Park into space
We all are well aware that Utah's national parks are known around the world. Thousands of tourists visit our state every year to experience the scenic beauty of the parks.*********
Great Sand Dunes National Park
Wildfire burning at Great Sand Dunes National Park
A wildfire continues to burn in Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve on Friday. The Medano Fire was ignited by lightning on June 6 and is located approximately four miles north of the park Visitor Center near Little Medano Creek.**********
Mojave National Park News:
Veterans ask Obama to order Mojave cross restored
Veterans organizations are requesting that President Obama order the restoration of a large cross honoring the war dead at a Mojave Desert federal park.**********
Outside the US/Canadian Park System
Nepal mourns its slain rhinos
KATHMANDU: The gathering at Kathmandu's Banasntapur Durbar Square, a festival heritage site usually flanked by tourists, was like no other. It was a sombre meeting of mourners who called for observing eight minutes of sorrowful silence -- one each for eight of the one-horned rhinos, the pride of Nepal's conservationists, who fell to poachers' bullets in almost a month.