Nice images. You do have an eye. My wife and I are at a similar point. She has a great eye, but we have just gone digital and are immersing ourselves in the technology.
Four children... it's hard to make the time. The one thing absolutely necessary is to have the support and help of your husband or partner. If not, keep working at it until the kids are mostly out of the house. It can be done, but it all about priorities.
Jim is right. The business side is so important. You could be the best photographer ever, but if you can't market your product, no one will know or care.
My one piece of advice is... "go where the dogs are". Every time we go to the dog park with a camera, someone asks us if we are professionals and ask for a card. In the beginning my wife said no. Not anymore, I told her to always say yes, give out a card, and the the connection to her Facebook photos. If they like our images they will call. People who are "into their dogs" are "captivated" consumers.
Good luck and I look forward to seeing more of your work.