Eleven years ago, our first Rottie girl, Annie Fay (Ch Nordike's Ruffiann V Mobster) had her second and last litter of puppies. There were eight in all, 7 girls and 1 boy. And, ironically, the first puppy to pop out was the boy. He became Red Boy and later, Jag (Annihaus Canine Mutiny NJP). This litter turns 11 on February 1 and, last week, Jag came to live with us for a while. He had broken his right front leg in an altercation with his younger brother and his owners are unable to care for him during the recuperation period. So, off he went to the Annihaus Convalescent Home.
Here are a couple of pictures of Jag when he was in his prime. He had a gorgeous headpiece, much like his daddy, Rueger (Ch Der Hagen's Rueger V Adelant).
But he wasn't just another pretty face. He loved to run and jump and it wasn't long before he was running in Agility.
He actually ran in a lot of Agility Trials but Jag was always an independent thinker. He believed that he was much better at designing Agility Courses than the judges for those events and so he tended to run his own courses most of the time

. But with such obvious glee that people would line up outside of the ring just to watch Jag's freestyle runs.
Well, Jag no longer runs or jumps much. But he still has attitude and although we were expecting a dejected old man to come here for his mandated crate rest, we got instead, the same old Jag. Stubborn. Strong as an Ox. And full of life and love. He's accepting the crate rest reluctantly. But when I take him outside, he has every intention of going his way regardless of the leash suggesting a different way. And, more often than not, I give in and we go his way. He has made one concession to his infirmity: he expects his grandma, Linda, to hand-feed him. So, he lays down on the floor while grandma is mixing his food, I lay down with him and we cuddle, and then Linda feeds him. He's gotten old but he's the same puppy that I delivered some 11 years ago. Here's Jag in the yard last week.
Like all of us that have entered into our mature years, Jag has gotten a little more white around the muzzle but he's still enjoying life and we're delighted to still be enjoying him. Wish him a quick recovery.