<<Our Rottie puppy, Sundance, can't wait for them to be old enough to play with. Rotties love those tails!>>
Hi Jim,
After this long, there'd better be a few show pups in this litter!
I will be keeping a boy, I miss my boys..so, hopefully one of them will all come together! I show in all arena's. Conformation, OB & Agility. Haven't had the "time" it takes to play in the field. Just not my thing..
The litter had 2 boys, and 3 girls.
First pup out was a wee little girl, breach, but she is only half the size of the second pup! VERY tiny, but then again, VERY sassy! (iwannaboyiwannaboy!! I keep having to say this over her!)
This litter was dubbed the "Popeye" litter.
Wee little one, we called Sweetpea, while we were waiting on her siblings. Second boy out at a pound, had an eye slit open, so, Popeye just came naturally. Lost the third little girl, as she was stillborn, with all we could do to revive her..thena boy, girl, girl! (Brutus, Olive oyl and Wimpy!
Funny your second dog is a rottie.
Rotties are my next favorite big dog, and then those squatty corgi's and pugs, are my favorite little dogs, with big attitudes!
I can not wait til their eyes/ears open, and they get sassy with each other! These two HAD to be wombmates! THey are ALWAYS together! (1&2)
Stay tuned for more..