The Nature, Wildlife and Pet Photography Forum - Fine Art Landscape Photography

Puppies at 7.5 Weeks

Posted By: Jim Garvie

Puppies at 7.5 Weeks - 07/13/08 02:01 PM

Well, the pups are getting big, playing hard and developing distinct personalities. We've enlarged their outside play area to cover virtually our entire front yard (pics later) and put up a nice cantilevered umbrella for shade. Later today, they'll get their "puppy pool". Break out the towels!

They'll be with us another week and a half and we'll be sorry to see them go. They're a cool bunch of kids and we've enjoyed our time with them. On the other hand, getting back to "normal" in the Garvie household is pretty appealing right now . Between the puppies and the puppy visitors, we feel like this place is akin to Grand Central Station.

Thought you'd enjoy seeing the latest pics of these rascals. First is Mr Red looking handsome.

Followed by Mr Green stalking his prey and showing off his topline.

Next is Ms Pink showing off her topline and puppy coat.

Ms Yellow posing for the photographer.

And her "twin" brother, Mr Blue.

Professor Plum getting ready to pounce.

And then enjoying the evening sun.

And, finally, Mr Lime (Lt Green) showing off his topline.

And then careening around the pen in search of someone to jump on.

The only one I didn't get any shots of this time around is Mr Teal who was usually at the bottom of the puppy piles but I'll catch up with him later today.

So, enjoy the kids while we still have them. It won't be long before they are off into the world. Cassidy can hardly wait!!!

Posted By: Anton

Re: Puppies at 7.5 Weeks - 07/13/08 03:12 PM

Great lookin puppies and nice pictures too. Thx
Posted By: wallyspop

Re: Puppies at 7.5 Weeks - 07/14/08 12:01 AM

The pups look fantastic Jim!
Posted By: julief

Re: Puppies at 7.5 Weeks - 07/14/08 01:40 PM

Great pics, Jim. I always love litters that I can put outside and let them run around. My last 2 litters were winters litters, so no such luck. I can empathize with you on wanting to get your home back to "normal"!!
Posted By: Jim Poor

Re: Puppies at 7.5 Weeks - 07/14/08 02:15 PM

Man, I'll even be sad to see these little ones move on. Hopefully, we'll get some updates now and then from the new parents.
Posted By: Jim Garvie

Re: Puppies at 7.5 Weeks - 07/14/08 05:50 PM

actually, we like to plan around "winter" here because that's the ideal time to be able to take them out during the day. This time of year, it's usually 95 degrees during the day and thunderstorms start around 2 pm so we get them out early and, if we're lucky, late in the day.

This is the first summer litter we've ever had so they're not quite as physically developed -- in terms of coordination -- as the others. We're about to start to leash walk them. That's always hilarious! But they need to get used to their new collars before they go to their new homes next week. Wish us luck .

Posted By: Jim Garvie

Re: Puppies at 7.5 Weeks - 07/14/08 05:53 PM

we're going to miss them, too, but not the work. As Cassidy said over the weekend, "it's time to let them go to their new homes, daddy, so we can get back to being a family". I think Ms Cassidy wants to get back to her long walks with me. Little does she know that we're going to be bringing Sundance with us. She may never forgive me !

Posted By: anthonym

Re: Puppies at 7.5 Weeks - 07/16/08 09:51 PM

Sooooo cute!! Just want to take them all home and let then stay on my lap... any possibility that they won't get beyond a few pounds? :-)
Posted By: Jim Garvie

Re: Puppies at 7.5 Weeks - 07/17/08 01:31 PM

sorry, but they're all over 15 lbs already. I think the "teacup" Rottie strategy is over for this litter .

Posted By: pawprintz

Re: Puppies at 7.5 Weeks - 07/17/08 02:07 PM

puppies look great jim!!
i wish i could come and play with them! good luck with their new homes and enjoy getting your house back to "normal" lol

Posted By: Visceral Image

Re: Puppies at 7.5 Weeks - 07/18/08 09:50 PM


I have also enjoyed watching them grow up; we will all miss them when they go to their forever homes
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