All the outdoor photos were done in natural light only. It was overcast to begin with, then close to noon, the very harsh sun came out. It was nice for making the horse's really glow, but, wreaked havoc with my highlights. Oh well.

The indoor shots I did with my flash on a light stand. I don't have a battery pack for my AB's and I couldn't run a power cord through the arena. Not to mention my flash synch's with my camera all the way up. So, it really was the better choice.

The "stacked" shots of the horses are pretty much exactly as you would want them set up. A front leg a hair forward, the back leg a hair back and the neck out and arched. The necks could be a hair bit more up and arched with ears a bit more forward, but, close enough!

There are lots of grooms and a trainer to help at that farm. I really enjoy going there. It is out of this world amazing. Go to my blog and there is a link